Monday, April 15, 2013

Birth, part 1

Dear Conrad,

We checked into the hospital on Sunday, October 14th at 6pm, where I was promptly given labor inducing medication. Poppy and Gigi came to the hospital to visit, and so did your aunt Christy. I was pretty boring company, though, because I was watching the National League Championships (go Cardinals!) whenever they were on.

Over night, nothing happened. I slept poorly in the hospital bed, and was pretty hungry because I couldn't eat after I was given Cervadil. I wasn't too upset, though, because I just knew what they were doing wasn't working. So early in the morning on the 15th, they tried Oxytocin. I had a few contractions but again, wasn't too surprised to hear by 6 o'clock that night that I still had made no progress. It's weird how in-tune to my body I felt at the time, because no matter how hopeful I felt that I would be seeing you soon, I just knew that you weren't ready to come out yet, and these medical interventions would not change your mind.

So at 6pm, I was unhooked from the machines and the medicines had all worn off, and I was allowed to eat a real meal for the first time in over 24 hours. It was amazing, but unfortunately, I was only given 45 minutes to myself before they hooked me back up again. If I had known that, I would have eaten faster and taken a shower. At 15 minutes til 7, I reluctantly got back in bed and was given a new drug, Cytotec, which I hoped would bring the change needed but in the back of my mind, I still knew that it wasn't your time.

This is probably for the best, though. Your cousin Jadon was already a little jealous that his mom missed his 16th birthday to be with us for what we believed would be your birthday. Now he still has his own special day, and you have yours.

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